Thursday, 1 April 2021

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Did you know?

If your bookkeeper is employed in your business, s/he is able to prepare and/or lodge your BAS on your behalf; and you can lodge your own BAS.

However, IF YOUR BOOKKEEPER IS A CONTRACTOR, s/he must be a registered BAS Agent in order to provide you with BAS services.

Please check registration details before engaging a contract bookkeeper/BAS Agent.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

GST Tip - Incomplete and missing tax invoices

You must have a tax invoice for all purchases costing more than $82.50 including GST where a GST credit is being claimed. To constitute a valid tax invoice, the document must contain the following pieces of information. It must include the words ‘Tax Invoice’ printed at the top of the page, it must have the seller’s identity or business name, their ABN, the date the invoice was created, a description of the item(s) being sold including quantity and price and the GST amount (if any) that is payable. As is the case with other tax-related records, you must keep your tax invoices for a period of at least five years.